Certainly there are tough questions to answer so let's just keep it to the physical. Do you want to be leaner? Do you want to feel and look stronger? Do you want to move like an athlete? Do you want to feel more confident? Do you want to run faster or jump higher? Do you want to feel like you are part of something bigger?
Chances are, if you landed here, you said "yes" to at least one of these questions (or maybe even all of them!) and you are certainly not alone. Nearly everyone starts a fitness program with the hopes of reaching that light at the end of the tunnel. Of reaching their goals of being who they want to be and feeling like they want to feel. But, despite their best efforts, so few people actually get there.
This is where we come in. We want to get you off the proverbial "fitness treadmill" of the same ineffective, uninspired and monotonous workouts you've been doing and actually push the needle forward when it comes to developing strength, improving body composition, moving athletically and getting more fit. And we're going to tell you exactly how we do it.
With over the past 25 years of combine training experience, Fort owners Dan Trink and Kyle Fields identified what was holding most people back and then created a system to overcome those barriers. And while many of these things may seem obvious, developing a way to breakthrough these limitations is actually quite complicated. And that's exactly why you've been frustrated. We're guessing that no one has been able to solve this for you. Until now.
They get to the gym and have no idea what to do. They have no program to follow, don't know how to perform exercises well or how to progress their program from week to week.
They don't have a community of like-minded people surrounding them. They have no training partners and fitness friends who are invested in their success. And because of this training feels isolated and boring.
They don't have any accountability. No one is waiting for them so they procrastinate going to the gym. "I'll just go tomorrow," they say.
When they do finally go for a workout the gym feels intimidating or crowded. Getting a squat rack during prime-time hours is impossible. Finding someone to give you a spot on the bench is scary.
They don't have a coach. An expert who will apply the scientific principles or training as well as have an intuitive sense of how to help you progress based on watching your move and the past experience of coaching thousands of sessions.
Their workouts don't have any psychological engagement. There is no "x factor" that makes the workouts - even though they are based in tried-and-true fundamentals - engaging, strategic and fun.
Their personal trainer is expensive, has limited hours, is no longer focused on their progress and disappears for weeks at a time.
We could go on and on. But rather than deliver any more "bad news", let us share with you how we've overcome all of these potential road blocks.
When we were one-on-one personal trainers we used to charge a premium for our time. And not only was this cost prohibitive for many people, it deterred people from training frequently enough to really maximize the benefits of training. With this small group model you get all the benefits of one-on-one (actually we'd argue it's more beneficial!) at truly a fraction of the cost. Your membership will have you training consistently and that is really the key to getting the results you are looking for.Fun, results-driven programs in incredible environments with built-in training partners, world-class coaches and a high level of accountability at reasonable prices compared to large group exercise class and one-on-one training sessions.We are proud to say we've done it. We've removed the barriers almost everyone experiences when it comes to getting in the best shape of your life!